
Bohemian Bride

Model: Kahli Anne Winters
MUA: Shazzam Makeup Artisty
Stylist: Sardis Boutique
Hairstylist: Georgi Nicola Shuemack
Assistant: Nadine Markham 


Model : Zanna Car
Stylist: Me


In the Garden of Sunlight

A couple of weeks ago when the sun was still warm and the air crisp and sweet, my little sister and I caught a glimpse of the last beams of light cascading through the trees in our garden. We scampered out of our fortified camp, dressed her in red and put flowers in her hair. Many souls gasped as she and the images captured transformed them into the world of the nineteen forties. She is and was truly an english rose in a garden of sunlight.

Model: Lauren Alice Burgess
Stylist: Me
Photographer: Me